• Good News

Francis Riodique

" I love my Boss"

         There was a young lady at the age of 18 working in a coffee shop after her class. She has a boss who is a kind hearten person who personally take over his shop. Every time she look at his boss, seeing him smiling and caring his customers, her heart beat fast, a feeling that she never felt before. His boss always checking on her looking and asking with a smile if she's fine and if her job is not so hard for her. The young lady felt in love with her boss that even she is not in the shop she never stop thinking of him.
       One day when the shop was already being close and only two of them were left in the shop. She thinks maybe it is the right time to say what she felt for him.

Young lady: Boss I love you...
The boss : Ahh!
Young lady: Did you not hear me! I said " I love you". From the first time 
                      you ask me to enter your shop because it was raining and 
                      offer me a free coffee, I felt something in you. That's why I 
                      apply in your shop is because of you.
The boss:  Why me! I am very old for you. I'm already 45 years old. You are 
                    like my ...
Young lady: What, like a daughter to you! I saw in you things that I never 
                       saw  in some boys in my generations. They just love 
                       themselves and their things. Do you not love me?
The boss :   I never say that I do not love you but what will others think of 
                     us. What will your family say to you?
Young lady : I don't care what think or what they say, I am just following 
                        my heart.
The boss : You are pretty and maybe your not hard to be love. I am 
                    flattered that there is a beautiful lady who likes me, only that, 
                    my teenage years has already passed me. What do you think 
                    should we do?
Young lady : Well, let's have a date!
The boss: What! Why is it so sudden. We need to plan it first. I am not 
                   used to this kind of situation.
Young lady: Well,OK, your the boss after all. (she smile)

The story will be continue on the next post. Thank you for reading.. 



  • Francis Riodique
    Jul 30, 2020 16:33
    Thank you for appreciation.
  • Ron Cedric
    Jul 30, 2020 12:41
    Thank you for sharing your story 💓🙏🏻