he COVID-19 pandemic is a jolt to every aspect of our existence and that can seem numbing at times. But now is a good time to take proactive steps that will help you regain motivation in your personal and professional life. 1. Create a schedule - having some semblance of a daily plan will empower you. Set your agenda the night before, knowing it’s flexible. At least you’ll have a starting point for the next day and it will help you stay driven. 2. Learn relaxation techniques - there’s no shortage of great meditation apps, and yoga is also a great way to release tension from the last COVID news alert. Think about what gives you peace of mind. 3. Exercise indoors - get yourself in motion, you can watch any exercise videos on youtube. You can do it every morning 20-30 mins so you can start your day productively. 4. Separate work from your personal life. Working remotely is new to many, so discipline is the word of the day. Get up, get dressed, get your space organized and remind yourself that you’re ultimately in control of your waking hours. 5. Make time for yourself. Read that book on your to-do list; learn that recipe or new app; watch TV; paint; listen to music; or enjoy that comedy film you missed. Maybe it's time to check off that nagging business to-do item. 6. Eat healthy. It can be easy to eat comfort foods or binge during stressful times, but avoid the temptation to use food, alcohol or drugs as an escape. 7. Focus. Eliminate the usual culprits of distraction. While at home, if others are constantly interrupting you, set some ground rules. Get used to putting your cell phone on Do Not Disturb for certain periods. 8. Connect. Stay in regular touch with friends and family by phone, text, email, video apps, social media, or all of the above. This may be an opportune time to reach out to those you’ve been meaning to contact. 9. Set monthly goals three months out, or longer. The next three months may be pivotal in what COVID-19 could mean to our lives. But that shouldn’t stop you from moving on with yours. Absent of this pandemic, what goals would you normally be setting, personally and professionally in the next 90 days? Or might it be time to reset the big picture? Many feel the pandemic is having a transformative effect. 10. Setting small daily goals - it's important to recognize that these aren’t normal times, and your productivity is likely not at its peak right now. And that’s okay. Setting daily goals can help you to make your day as productive as possible, but be realistic with the goals you set. Don’t make them too big or you could end up feeling disappointed with yourself. Write your tasks down in a list, and then break those tasks down into three or four smaller tasks. Reward yourself when you complete a task. ~ These are the 10 ways to keep motivated this pandemic. God bless us all and keep safe always.