Yes! You read the title right. Probably some of you have heard of some fashion facts that may have blown your mind or might have triggered you to say, "No way," but there's still more to that. Here are 11 of the most unusual fashion facts in history. 11. Women having short is such a fashion trend these days but according to some fashion facts, it wasn't always the case. Early in the 1800's and 1900's, women who have short hair were considered unfaithful. Women with short hair were also a symbol of infedelity. Weird right? 10. The second oldest garment in the history of fashion is the skirt. This garment was was after the loincloth. Also, according to the 18th and 19th-century fashion trends, skirts were not only worn by women, but by men too. 9. European women of the Renaissance Period started the practice of removing hair from their bodies (not of the legs and/or arms, but only of the eyebrows and the hair on the forehead). It was said to be so fashionable at that time. That's why mothers rubbed walnut oil into their children's eyebrows and forehead in order to prevent any facial hair. Isn't this too weird? 8. Designer's up to the 19th century showcased their collection on dolls rather than models. The consept of modeling wasn't apparent back then. But can you imagine how those small dresses the designers had to make in order to showcase their fashion line or collection on dolls and now in the present time a designer with models? 7. Most actresses of today proudly show their baby bump, and that too is fashionable! Every celebrity then creates a different fashion statement with their baby bump. Yet you would be surprised tp hear that back in the 15th century, carrying a baby was a very popular trend. Those women who weren't pregnant used to stuff pillows beneath their clothing to fake a baby bump. 6. False eyelashes are a very trendy these days, but did you ever know the first false eyelashes were created by producer G.W Griffith in 1916? It was only because he wanted to enhance the very beauty of the Seena Owen (actress) in his film. The false eyelashes were actually mad of human hair! 5. Vogue's first magazine was published im the United States of America on December 17, 1982. 4. The crocodile of the brand "Lacoste" was the very first brand name to ever appear as a logo in fashion and clothing industry's history, which occured in the year 1933. The brand logo was also made crocodile because of the owner, Rene Lacoste, who was famous among his peers for being a "crocodile" in the tennis court. 3. A bale of cotton that weighs under 500 pounds can make 215 pairs of jeans. 2. The world's longest wedding dress had a trail of 1.85 miles. It took 3 miles of taffeta and 18 feet of lace to make it. It occured in Caudry on December 9, 2017. The said place is also famous for its lace in France. 1. Did you know that High Heels were not only worn by women, but also by men? Men wore it since it was way easier to ride on horses, but the style further faded by 1740's. Didn't expect to hear those huh? I hope these fashion facts have given you knowledge. Maybe you'll need it someday. Who knows! Well, I'll just leave it here. Sayonara.