1. Eye contact is key. 2. Love works fast. 3. Love can be addictive. 4. There’s a reason why cuddling feels so good. 5. Your heart can actually break. 6. Biologically, your love changes with time. 7. Love goes hand in hand with stress. 8. Priorities change when looking for a long term companion. 9. Feelings make life that much sweeter. 10. Some people can’t feel love. 11. Your body has a “vein of love.” 12. Sometimes, your emotions play tricks on your heart. 13. Love is chaos. 14. ‘Love’ is a word derived from Sanskrit. 15. The parent trap. 16. Add a little adventure to your life. 17. Sometimes, timing really is everything. 18. Women like testosterone. 19. Attraction is evolutionary. 20. Slow and steady wins the race. Click the link here to view the full article: https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2018/07/facts-about-love/