1. Sleep According to McFall and a number of studies, the single-most important thing you can do to deal with stress is to get enough sleep. “If you get less than six hours of sleep, you’re at a cognitive disadvantage, plain and simple,” she says. “Additionally, [you’re] over four times more likely to catch a cold or virus. Not something a parent wants to hear!” Of course, the million-dollar question for parents everywhere is: How can I get more sleep? While you may not be able to stop your child from wandering into your room in the middle of the night because of a bad dream, there are a few things you can do that will contribute to a solid night’s rest. “Remove all devices from your bedroom, and make sure your alarm clock has red numbers not blue, since blue light interferes with sleep,” says McFall. “Avoid checking email, texts or social media at least two hours before bed, and make sure your room is cool, dark and quiet. If you have time, a hot bath before bed can also help you sleep better.” 2. Do yoga It’s been proven countless times that exercise, in general, helps with stress reduction, but yoga in particular comes with a few bonuses. “As with other forms of exercise, the physical practice of yoga — the asanas — helps to manage stress,” says Baxter Bell, M.D., a yoga therapist and author of “Yoga for Healthy Aging.” “But additionally, yoga often uses breathing techniques and a short, guided meditation. Together, these three things help to regulate the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for revving us up or calming us down.” In other words, it helps us control how we physiologically and emotionally react to things that may cause stress off the mat. If you can, aim to practice a few times a week. If that’s not possible, Bell recommends busy parents engage in a short, restorative practice at home for 10 to 15 minutes after the kids are in bed. “When you’ve been putting yourself on the back burner all day, the best thing you can do emotionally is take time for yourself,” Bell says. 3. Try the ‘thymus tap’ Feeling anxious or flat-out spent? Try the biofeedback-derived thymus tap. “This technique can be very powerful when you’re feeling stressed out about the future,” says Lauren E. Miller, a corporate coach and author of “5 Minutes to Stress Relief.” “It helps to realign your energy system with an inner confidence.”