• Good News

Ron Cedric

#5YEARSFROMNOW I will become a public servant

What do I think I will be in the next 5 years...

For me I'm just a College student as of today, But in 5 years when I graduate and have a decent job I will focus most of the time on helping the children who starved because of poverty. because I think that it is not their fault for living in that state... It is very hard for me to see children who should be playing in the street but instead they are working at the young age. I will try to create some opportunities for them so that they can change their future. But of course I must work hard first in order to fulfill my dream in the future so WISH ME LUCK~ ❤️❤️

Stay safe to you all~


  • P H O T O S H O P
    Jul 30, 2020 20:50
    Hi. You're amazing \(○^ω^○)/