• Good News

Janine Sapon

A dose of Tiktok can make your day! #Tiktok #Positivity

Have you tried doing any videos for tiktok? Or are you one of those "viewer only" type of person (like me though!). If yes, what are your impressions with any videos you've watched?  Or should I asked, what is your impression about TIKTOK? 
If you are going to ask me (even if you'll not), I will definitely commend the creator of tiktok app. Tiktok have been very helpful in many ways. It teaches us many things (should I say life hacks?) which literally changes our lives. I also watched internet/e-commerce and cooking tutorials which are absolutely incredible. Plus the fact that we are entertained; great singers and dancers will left us WOWED. 
I've also read some news that Tiktok also saved a life! A depressed boy, who is about to commit suicide, had watch an inspirational video posted on Tiktok, which greatly or somehow persuade him to live his life again. Thank you Lord, thanks Tiktok! 
If you are somehow stressed out or depressed , Tiktok might not be the medicine, but it can be a great REMEDY. You don't need to be a video creator (I know time will come that you will make one, hahaha) when you can be a viewer for now. 
You can share your feedback or impacts of Tiktok to you on the comment section below. 
Have a great day folks! Live positively! 



  • Gerald Campanero
    Aug 07, 2020 13:01
    Can i ask tiktok ID ? hehe
  • Alemar Calipayan
    Aug 07, 2020 12:27
    Yes, you're right! A lot of things can be learned from Tiktok. There are so many inspiring creators that will feed our mind, soul, or even entertain us.