• Good News

Aira Martinez

A Word For The Soul (The Calling of Noah)

I’m going to send a flood that will destroy everything that breathes! Nothing will be left alive. But I solemnly promise that you, your wife, your sons, and your daughters-in-law will be kept safe in the boat. Bring into the boat with you a male and female of every kind of animal and bird, as well as male and a female of every reptile. I don’t want them to be destroyed. Store up enough food both for yourself and for them.  
- Genesis 6:17

Why God does wants to wipe out everything on earth back then? It’s because everyone except Noah turned out to be evil and instead of focusing their attention to doing God’s will they are more attached to those whom they called heroes and warriors.

Everyone back then excluding Noah are doing evil deeds and they doesn’t recognize or obey the Lord, which made God to come up with destroying everything and felt very sorry of making humans. But is good and He spare His only loyal and faithful servant Noah.

God told Noah what he should do and Noah did it without a second thought. God is pleased with Noah because he obey God without a question. Noah trust in the Lord and he knew that when God said it, God will send it. Taking up pairs of animals, birds, and reptiles to the boat seem impossible just by thinking of it. But Noah did it still, Noah did what God asked him to do without doubting but with trust and pure faithfulness that if the Lord called him for it, not just because he is qualified but also because God qualifies the call.

In this situation we are facing right now, it’s about the same with Noah’s situation. I think what’s happening on earth is obviously according to God’s plan and that God allow all this to happen for a greater purpose. In this passage its God telling us and letting us know that our situation right now is not a hopeless case and never will be. Our situation today is God’s way of getting us ready for a greater calling.

What’s happening is not all negativity. It’s happening for a reason. God wants us to continue seeking His kingdom, His will and His heart. God wants us to remain faithful even in the midst of this battle. God wants all of us to keep our trust to Him, to go deeper with our relationship with Him and to share His kingdom for everyone to know.

Instead of focusing and absorbing every negativity on earth, focus more on the positive side of it. Absorb more of God’s word and God’s kingdom instead of the circumstances were in right now.

Stand strong, you are not alone. God is with you always and He will never leave your side. Live in that.
