• Good News

Aira Martinez

A Word For The Soul (Beautiful As Rainbow)

I created humans to be like me, and I will punish any animal or person that takes a human life. If an animal kills someone, that animal must die. And if a person takes the life of another, that person must be put to death. 
– Genesis 9:5-6

Considering this pandemic we are facing today, there’s still violence and killing lurking in the news. It’s like instead of having a decreasing number of cases of violence because of stay at home agenda, it’s actually increasing. It’s heartbreaking every time I saw the news regarding this topic. A child or even an elder being assaulted and violated, there’s no exception. It keeps me thinking on how some people can easily kill someone just like that. Don’t they have any conscience and sympathy? Does killing make them feel satisfies and proud? These are the kind of question that always pops up when I’m thinking about it.

This gift of life from God is so precious. And knowing that someone can take the life of others kind of make me feel this negative feeling of anger. Right now, my prayer is for every victim of violence to find the justice they deserve. And I hope, for those people who took life of others may realize their wrong-doings. I hope that they may repent and learn about Jesus salvation. It will never be too late for them, for the salvation is for everyone, especially for those who are continuously seeking it. For the families of those victims, I hope and I pray that they will learn to forgive over time and that as season goes by may the pain of losing someone they love and cherished will be healed by the healing power of God.

For all of us who are experiencing stress and depression, also having negative emotion within us, I pray and I hope that we may disregard all of this for this may be the root for us to commit sinful acts. At all times, let us always put our trust and our faith in God and not on our own understanding.

I promised every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never be destroyed by a flood. The rainbow that I put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. 
– Genesis 9:11-13

Always remember that the beauty of the rainbow is as beautiful of God’s promises. God is a promise keeper, God never breaks His promises. God did promised us of the best future He have for us and God will keep it. A future full of hope and prosperity. Now, let us continue to live with that in mind.


  • Ela Grande
    Aug 07, 2020 13:18