• Good News

Aira Martinez

A Word For The Soul (You Are Not Forgotten)

God did not forget about Noah and the animals with him in the boat. So God made a wind blow, and the water started going down. 
– Genesis 8:1

God did not forget about us. We are not waiting for nothing here but rather we are waiting for something from God. This passage is giving all of us hope in this seemingly hopeless situation. God will never forget about us. The whole world may turn against us but God will not. 

The only thing we should do right now is to be patient in God’s perfect time. The waiting may let us feel isolated and suffocated by each corner of our house but don’t focus on that. Instead, let’s follow Noah’s example. Noah did not just wait but he keeps on checking the situation around them while keeping his trust in God. Noah, like us, have no idea on when will the water goes down.
Noah did not completely detached himself from the situation they’re in, instead, Noah is on watch on what is happening around but he didn’t let their circumstances affect his faith in God.

We can’t not care with our surrounding because accept it or not, we are all involve in this situation. This fight is not just for the government, for the front liners and health workers. This fight is for all of us living in this world. In order to overcome this fight we have to join forces to support and help each other across the world.

What’s amazing about Noah is, even with the raging storm, Noah stay calm and didn’t panic. And I think it’s because Noah knows that God will not abandon him. Noah knows he is protected and guarded by God and he didn’t lose that kind of faith. 

For all of us who are living in this kind of situation, keep in mind that God didn’t forget about you. Stay calm and do not panic, you are protected and guarded. God is with you all the time. And just like Noah, don’t lose hope and focus more your attention to God.

The smell of the burning offering pleased God, and He said: 
Never again will I punish the earth for the sinful things its people do. All of them have evil thoughts from the time they are young, but I will never destroy everything that breathes, as I did this time. 
– Genesis 8:21

This situation we are in, this corona virus is not the end for all of us. God promised that He will not destroy everything that breathes like what He did before, God will not let it happen again. All of this obstacles are according to God’s plan, our situation right now is teaching us something valuable. God wanted us to look for it and learn from it. This is not the end, we can never put a dot(.) to where God put a coma(,), because God is just about to do something great in our lives.
