• Good News


These Abaca face masks for public use are available across the Philippine islands.

As the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) has been imposed in the NCR and other provinces to help arrest the rise of COVID-19 infections, Filipinos are called upon to try to level up or do whatever can be done to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

One way of doing that is by having better protection that can help you and your family against the virus. So you might want to try the latest Abaca face masks.

Tests made by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) have found that Abaca Face Masks are comparably 7 times more effective at filtering air particles and therefore provide better protection than the common cloth face masks.

Locally produced Abaca fibers were processed into special filters and made into face masks. They have fresh and appealing designs that are made from the finest abaca fibers. They are environment-friendly because they are biodegradable and sustainable, comfortable to wear, and are also washable and reusable.

Buying these Philippine abaca face masks will not only give you better protection as you will also be helping the Philippine economy by helping abaca farmers, entrepreneurs, and their workers.

You can find them on your favorite online shopping stores. And if you are interested and want more information, Director Kennedy Costales of the Philippine Fiber Development Authority (PHILFIDA) provided the names and contact numbers of several makers of Abaca face masks.
