It’s taken ages to write this article because it’s not easy to accept what life throws your way. However, when I learn acceptance I become more peaceful, more content. Regardless of what’s happening or whether I like it or not, by accepting circumstances as they are and not as I’d like them to be, I remain sane! Such is the power of acceptance and yet it’s often misunderstood, for while it seems like a passive action, it is anything but passive. In situations such as relationship breakups, dealing with other people’s negativity, or losing a job, it’s not easy just going with the flow. Nonetheless, to accept the reality of life as it is will pay off in the long run. As someone who spent much of life running from the unpleasant, it’s a joy to discover that the easiest way to handle life’s difficulties is to accept them without judging, myself or others! But don’t hear me saying you can’t do anything about the situation. You can take action, but just acknowledge your thoughts and feelings first. Learning to be accepting takes time. Yet when we become willing to accept what’s happening, in a step by step manner, progress begins.