• Good News


An Open letter To The Man I Can't Love Back

Hi. How's it been going? 
It's been years that I no longer get any messages, comments, likes and jokes from you nor I send one to you. But it's okay, I understand.

You used to be my number one supporter during my softball games way back in High School; invited me in a chess game that we both loved; gave me those funky stares when you passed by my classroom; shared to me most of your attention while playing DOTA; and you were there when I couldn't put myself together after my first heartbreak.

On the other side, I didn't give the love you asked for-- I tried, but I was occupied by the thought that I couldn't give you that love you deserved. Plot twisted, I still lost you and our precious friendship. 

It was a deep downhill for me. 

Well, I heard you've reached your dreams and have found your heather who completes you. I hope you're happy because I'm happy for you. If only I could tell you.

I'm always thankful for every piece of you in my memory that I still hold. We may stay like this, but you're forever one of my stars.

Your old friend,


  • Rachelle Bien
    Sep 01, 2020 18:59
    awww ❤
  • ()
    Sep 01, 2020 09:50
    Pleasant morning
  • Mr. Everything News
    Aug 29, 2020 03:49
    Nice article ❤ Keep posting!