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Angel Locsin Raising Funds to Help Mass Testing in PH

Angel Locsin posted on her Instagram account that they will re-open "Shop and Share" in hopes of helping out in the efforts to provide mass testing in the Philippines. Here's her post: 

"Hi. It’s been a while since we’ve done this — way back in 2009 in fact when we first put up Shop and Share to help those who were affected by Typhoon Ondoy. We had actors, singers and even basketball players donate personal items from designer bags, clothes, jerseys, jewelry, etc., and we auctioned them off on ebay, with all the proceeds going to the Philippine Red Cross.

And, now, we humbly reach out again.
These are hard times, truly frightening times for the Filipino people, especially with corona virus cases still on the rise.
Many have been doing their part in trying to give hope or just to make each day easier for those who are in need. And the hard truth is they will remain in need as Covid-19 remains the invisible enemy amongst us changing our lives and sadly disrupting livelihoods.

We would like to revisit the idea of artists coming together and helping those who need it the most. This time, with the funds we raise, we would like to purchase test kits and allow testing opportunities for the poorer sectors in the hopes of helping out in the efforts to provide mass testing in the country.
Yes, in support of mass testing. Because in this way we can make a higher impact, by pushing the TEST-TRACE-ISOLATE/TREAT formula that is the only proven way to defeat the virus.

If you are keen please do let us know.
We do hope you can join us as we all work together to help flatten the curve in the Philippines in our little way."


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    Sep 20, 2020 05:50
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    Sep 20, 2020 05:50
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    Sep 20, 2020 05:50