• Good News

Erwin Ebrada

Anger management

When you hear others spew their anger and hatred, how do you react? Do you jump in and agree with them and spew the same kind of hatred and anger they are?

If you do, then you are just like them. Is that the type of person you want to be? Is that the type person you want your friends, family, and children to see that side of you?

Think about what you are doing when you vent your anger on Facebook,  and in public. You are becoming negative energy that is contaminating  the world, and everyone in it. Is this who you really want to be and become, and when your time is done here on earth, is this angry person the one you want to show to your Creator, when all is said and done?

You will have to say to your Creator “This is what I made of myself.”


  • Ron Cedric
    Jul 30, 2020 12:40
    As a person who have this kind of problem. I must say that we just have to think first before doing anything. Thank you for sharing!!