• Good News

Nelson G

Battle of the sexes - Man vs Woman

Prior to reading this article, I want you to have self-realization first and identify in which category you belong regardless of your sexual orientation, what I am trying to say is that even if you are a woman but you believe that man should rule the world or community then it's your choice and if you are a man but you are in favor that a woman is more talented and can make a difference then I want you all to read the entire article and comment below as I want to see how many women or man response to my question.

Nowadays you can look at any websites to check about Gender history and see when it all started, how woman have a renaissance and the way they talk about discipline between man and a woman, how it differs between the two sexes.   One of the highlights before is the social constructions of gender throughout time and the places they have been with always matter.  

Another thing is that women's maturity comes much earlier than men.  Based on the study if women reached the age of 30, which is their proper maturity age, men said to be mature ten to eleven years later.   Also, you guys heard about the difference between male and female brains, scientifically say that men have a larger brain than women but both of them think differently, study shows that women use both sides of the brain and manage to use both IQ and EQ while men use the left side of the brain which normally for verbal reasoning, factual information, mathematical equation, excel, and logical explanation, moreover there are two different types of tissue based on the study, we have gray matter and white matter in which men think more in the side of gray matter and women think more with white. 

If you put it in a family context, you will notice that your mother always protecting you the way you father wants you to be, I mean if you are men you should act like a man, you should follow their path they way they behave, the way they communicate, laugh and alike.  Our mother always protecting us not just physically but emotionally this is where we build our emotional trust - us being kind and us being empathetic, though there are side effects wherein for some they merely use their emotional intelligence up to the extent that we don't think logical and factual that may give us different results in decision making part. 

The battle between a man and a woman hasn't ended yet and if you notice we still see a couple of them fighting for one power, showing where they are good at, their skills and capabilities and how can they make this world a better place.  Apart from the science breakthrough wherein, we manage to figure things as to why we have different gender preferences why they evolved from being what we called gay to LGBTQIA+ simply because of the imbalance chromosomes.  But whatever we are all equal, I mean we fight for what we know is right, we protect our families and loved ones and we make them feel that they are all secured.

Now it is your turn, who do you think it is?  #menandwomendiscussion #funfacts #manilafrmlatecentury #mypinterest


    Aug 22, 2020 21:31
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    Aug 22, 2020 21:31
  • P H O T O S H O P
    Aug 22, 2020 19:02
    Check my articles too ♥