Hello guys! I'm an incoming second year medtech student and I'm planning to take medicine after passing the licensure exam for medical technologists. One of the highlights of my 1st year life is blood extraction or also known as phlebotomy. Honestly speaking, I have this fear called hemophobia. You might be wondering why I took this course knowing that I have this fear of seeing blood. I actually wanted to face and conquer this fear, thus one of the reasons why I chose medtech as my pre-med course. Time passes by and little by little, i got used to seeing blood that I no longer feel scared anymore. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! (thanks to my friends for motivating me every now and then) If there's this one thing I've learned from my first year in college, it is -- in taking up this course -- BS Medical Technology, you should really have the passion in what medtech students actually do. Make sure that you love what you are doing no matter how hard it is! Our course requires a lot of patience, dedication, and hardwork. It is not easy, yes, but don't give up yet! just don't give up easily because everything will be worth it once you've succeeded in achieving your goal. Truth be told, being a medical student is very nerve-wracking, mind-draining, anxiety-inducing and physically and emotionally exhausting but if you're really dedicated in the course you have chosen, it is very fulfilling and rewarding as you become a registered medical technologist. TO ALL MEDICAL STUDENTS, GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK BECAUSE WE ARE ALL DOING GREAT! LET'S NOT GIVE UP ON OUR DREAMS. GOODLUCK TO US!