• Good News


Benefits of being a "Plantita" (Plant Owner)

It is evident in social media that there is a plant craze going on with our favorite celebs and influencers! But can we blame them? Having these indoor plants inside our home can not only lessen our stress from this pandemic but has a lot more to give of. Below are some of the Benefits of having indoor plants and why you should take care of one!

1.  It lessen our stress and makes us more at ease. 
        It is shown in research that people living with plants has a more well being ; they are healthier, make few mistakes and a lot happier. 

2.  It improves the air quality
      It is not news that plants help in cleaning the air. It has been a great factor in lessening the carbon dioxide, increasing humidity, keeping air temperature and more. 

3.  It makes the room a lot more attractive
        Not only it is a good air purifier but it is also a nice decorative peace in our room.

4.  It just helps us a lot more in creating positiveness
       Having plants at home helped many people to become more calm, at peace and feel happiness.  they also enhance your mood and give you a sense of a living purpose. 
