• Good News

Body Shaming

"Eat more, so you won't be that skinny!"
"Do you lack food in your house?"
"Are you anorexic?"
"No one will ever like you because, you're so thin!"

Plus-size body shaming is spread out in the internet, it's popular and viral, but little did people know that there is also body shaming for the counterpart which is for being skinny, and yes I am a living proof of that discrimination.

You can call me anything you want thin, skinny, a walking skeleton, you name it--- society portrays thin people aren't the ideal size of a man, aren't accepted by the community or the people around and not someone worthy at all. 

Furthermore, the recent world conveys a message that being skinny is an imperfection, a flaw and a mortal sin that you should be imprisoned for this discrimination;  but shouldn't everyone have the right to be loved, respected and accepted no matter what their races, body shapes and gender are? 

In my eighteen years of existence those words were thrown to me, they were like daggers stabbing my whole being, shattering my self-esteem and breaking my confidence. All my life I've been questioning why can't I gain weight faster. 

Advertisements and judgments influenced my lifestyle, my self-esteem and my values whereas I always remind my self to eat and eat and eat but my stomach can't accomodate all of those glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose and many more factors. 

On the other hand, it also lowered my self-esteem because no one finds me attractive and no one sees my worth-- no one looked at my inner self but rather points me as someone who is weak and pointless. It also affected my values by not knowing my importance because they all see me as someone that can be easily swayed by the air, as someone who'll faint in a snap and as someone that has no value.

Being a victim of body shaming is a tough journey, it burns people out, it causes depression, it results to self-doubt. 

Up to now I am still body shamed but one thing I've learned in this life is how to deal with such discriminition which is by accepting, loving and cheering myself up because afterall it's ourselves who we have. 

Improving my own self-esteem is not as easy as pie or as hard as any other exams, it's the courage and the passion to show the people, the world and especially myself that I am worth it-- worthy of praises, recognition, attention and ofcourse love. 

Everything starts within myself, everything ends within my self, in situations like this i'll look at the rainbow after being under the rain. I cannot ignore the judgments of the society but I have a way out of this oblivion--little prince's quote, what is essential is invisible in the eye, I may be skinny but my heart is overweight.

Today, I am still in the process of healing those damages, forgiving myself and motivating myself to be the best that I can be.

I am thin but I am strong physically, mentally and spiritually; I hope you are also.

In this world full of hurtful worlds make positivity our shields, contentment as our armors and acceptance as our swords!

Remember we are all beautiful, so chin up and smile!


  • Mr. Everything News
    Aug 27, 2020 19:39
    Nice article ❤ Keep posting!