A Chance to Change #MyMotivation It has been an undeniable fact that the quarantine has brought us to one of our lowest emotional stages in our lives, it made us ponder a lot about our relationships with people, with our current lives and especially, our own existence and purpose. But that doesn't mean you should let that feeling destroy you. Below are some tips I could give you so that we could improve ourselves in a day to day basis 1. Avoid Toxic Social Media Friends: If you can't unfriend them, unfollow them. Do you have this friends on Facebook or Twitter who keeps ranting about the government?, about COVID response, or keeps shoving their opinion and doesn't care about what others have to say? Well, they are people who are not "socially healthy". If you can avoid using social media for a moment amidst this quarantine, then you should. But if you can't because of work or study demands, just unfollow those people, you'll see a drastic change in your social media experience just by doing this one step. 2. Attend free workshops Don't be afraid to attend online conferences, although it's online, its completely life changing as well. If the conference you'll be attending in has a screening process for you to attend for free, don't ever hesitate to try. If you didn't pass, that means the are tons of other opportunities for you to scout on, but if you pass, give it your best and remember that you are there to learn, not to compete or be better than others. From the start of this quarantine, I have attended countless free workshops for public speaking, international relations, delegate simulations, video editing and film directing. 3. Explore a new skill If you are a student or a freelance worker, you probably have TONS of free time during the quarantine, so let us not put that priceless time into waste and find something productive to practice our skills on or the add new knowledge by learning something new like: 1. Prototyping and Programming When people hear the word programming, they easily think of Math (which is scary, yes I agree) but its not completely about maths, its about analogy and logic towards making a code that would perform a specific task. Try exploring the world of open source programming software and toolkits like Arduino Here's a link for those who are curious what Arduino is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waOk9VtkCqw 2. Graphic Design Its a skill for both hobbies and freelancing, make use of the technology you have by learning how to put that powerful creativity you have within yourselves and expressing it through posters, logos, or unique quotes that will empower if not hundreds, thousands of people around you. 3. DIY Crafts Crafting something is the best way to kill some free time, it not only enhances your creativity and imagination, it can also be a way to make someone happy, make postcards or explosion boxes for your friends and family so that they feel special amidst this quarantine. Remember, there's a lot of great opportunities around you, so grab it. Let your voice be heard by speaking it loud and let you skills be seen by people who know and believe that you could be what you ambition to be, (and maybe be even better than that *wink*) If you are feeling sad and you need someone to talk to or want to find a way to ease the sadness brought by the pandemic you should read this article too: https://www.goodinfonet.com/goodnews/fight-depression-and-loneliness -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- - Like this post for more posts like this in the future -