Gotcha! You clicked this because you want to change your life right? You want to become the better version of yourself. You want that after this pandemic, you'll introduce the better version of you. Don't worry, I'll help you. These are my tips. But I tell you, a glow up isn't linear. There are so many set backs before you claim the prize. So be patient, and work hard everyday. Struggling means progressing. 1. Stop complaining and appreciate how blessed you are everyday. 2. Say goodbye to those people that doesn't bring positive energy in your life. Drop those toxic people. 3. Embrace loneliness and reinvent yourself in the process. 4. Pick one skill you want to cultivate and work on it. 5. Sweat everyday to pull your mood. You got this. 6. Commit to the goals you set and never look back. 7. Fail forward. Learn from every mistakes you made. This month's choices are next month's results. You can do it! God bless you. Remember that you are loved and you are enough.