Entrepreneurs are the people who make stuff. Persons who live on their own terms and conditions. An individual who wants to solve a dilemma and then create something to resolve them. You may have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, but you never knew if there were any possibilities. You may have dreamed of starting your own small business but never made a real breakthrough. You may have thought of different side-stretching ideas, but never gave them to a life. If you really had, or had not the right signs, you may have concluded. I will discuss with you about the characteristics or traits you should embody that you can use that I provided the link below (you'll go straight to my blog) to be a successful business person. • Character traits that an entrepreneur should embody https://bit.ly/3qgjNww "You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end." -Jessica Herrin, founder and CEO of Stella & Dot Visit my blog site https://bit.ly/3otHUpS