• Good News

Theo Tee


The time has come which is the darkest path i've ever done in my life. The decisions i've made is impossible for everybody to know. This moment, i never expected what i have done. I broke one's heart and trust where the trust issue continues. It was so hard that i promised something that is meant to be broken. I lied, but at the same time i regret. Gonna take this as a lesson for myself but for the others? It's a no for them. I can accept the fact that they won't accept me of who am i but i can accept that this is life. Life is full of regrets and it can't be predicted. It will come up into your life and be ready about it. No matter how hard the situation is, just never give up in requesting forgiveness to those people who broke with. Never ever give up on your failures especially the decisions we made. The failures are the greatest setbacks to have shiniest comeback. Remember, we only live once. 

Lesson: Everything's gonna be alright. Don't lose your one fragile life. 
