• Good News


Delivery Services saved the Day and Families

As the country faces its dilemna in feeding its countrymen due to the effect and threat of Covid-19, a lot of people strive hard to survive hunger and loss of jobs. On our province, Cagayan, specifically in Tuguegarao City, public transportation has been prohibited (w/c I believe is the case to most areas under ECQ and MECQ) so we all struggle with our daily routines. To survive this pandemic, most of us rely on online selling, online jobs and a bit of help from the government. We can also acquire things and food outside thru couriers and delivery services (well except for those who’ve got their own vehicles). Now there’s this group called 2gue2wheels who started their operation way before the pandemic (last year). Their service now that we are in Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine is a big help both to the residents here and to its members. They do delivery services and errands in behalf of the people of the city and even to the neighboring towns! They operate till 11 in the evening and they’re partners to a lot of food establishments and even grocery stores. They also cater to online businesses’ need for couriers. There are also other groups emerging now offering different rates for delivery and errands services. I know food and parcel delivery is old news but having this as job to my fellow Cagayano’s is definitely good news! Serve our fellow and feed thy own family through legal & decent money! Credits to photo of 2gue2wheels!


  • Aprilbumanglag
    Sep 23, 2020 14:33
    Pa check din po latest article ko from tugue ko😊
  • Mark Arcel Letada
    Sep 02, 2020 12:08
    please checkout my latest article too Title: the cellphone
  • JustKatPablo
    Sep 02, 2020 07:50
    really a bbbig help!