• Good News

Discovering the comfort plants can give

This current situation that we are in has surely impacted each and one of us. Throughout the whole quarantine period, I felt so much anxiety just because online learning is really so challenging and  that I waited so long for clerkship only to have it inside my bedroom, infront of my laptop. 😭 I can’t even imagine the situation of others with all that is happening and what we see in the news. I had engaged myself with so many activities that served as my outlet as so not to breakdown over how stressful things can get. I finally owned a clingy home dog that sleeps in my room and follows me everywhere. I tried cooking and baking from time to time.

One day, I asked my mom to buy me plants for the house as I started gardening in our backyard. I found my initial plant-pot assemby so cute that I ended up so busy selling all the other plants I find leaving this home empty 😂 But, finally, I got the time to actually organize my plants. As I mentioned, I have a dog who thinks he’s a carabao so I can’t put low indoor plants inside. I decided to turn our balcony into my plant corner.

This is the original plan and not Le Plants Royale. Crazy how planting or gardening is just like another learning process. Nothing near a greenthumb but I had ideas from other people that truly helped me understand the do’s and dont’s. I finally am a morning person, a true tita, who wakes up 5:30 am in the morning every single day to make coffee, to get some soil, to paint the pots, and ofcourse, to plant. I’ve met so many people along the way, some other plant parents from different age groups that I became friends with. I have reached different places in my hometown and province that I didn’t know actually existed. I encouraged my friends to start taking in plants to care for. I think I have inspired other people to make a living. I actually enjoyed it so much. ❤️

Can’t take the people around me enough for your support by liking, sharing and even buying my plants! Really appreciate so much! 😍

More than the earnings, the smiles I’ve given new plant parents, and the new plants that I have, I think the most beautiful thing about Le Plants Royale is that it has actually served as a bonding for me and family. 😘
