• Good News


Do Not Do This Again

What could keep you from reaching success and keep drowning from stress?

I know you have heard this many times ..

"Comparing yourself to others"

Let's start with understanding the subject and don't be confused.
As a matter of fact, comparing yourself to others is not negative at all.
In order to adapt the norm and keep improving, you have to match with other successful people to have inspiration and motivation to keep going for the best version of yourself.

However, why you fell into this trap? 
It is because instead of being lifted up, it tends to make you feel less of your identity.

Listen ...

Your season of success is different from theirs. 
Your purpose is unique! You are special.
You have a worth that can't be compared with other people.

So, don't do this again .. Don't compare yourself again with your colleagues, influencers, or any idols.

Just let their success and life inspire you that everything you desire is possible! These people are just reminding you that you are able.

Do not lose your identity because you are looking for other people's definitions of who you are. You are a work in progress and a masterpiece. 


  • Ms. Tiktok News
    Sep 10, 2020 22:55
    yea, thanks
  • Gabriel Ian
    Sep 10, 2020 16:17
    Keep reaching your dream
  • Yu Mi
    Sep 10, 2020 03:23
    nice articleđź’—