• Good News

Samuel Caoagdan

Do you need PROTECTION right NOW?

In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;
    let me never be put to shame. -Psalm 71:1

A lot of us has been in great shock of what is happening around us, no one is ready enough to this so called "new normal." But what is good about this pandemic is that we've seen heroes we ought to take for granted, we've seen humanity in one cause are hand-and-hand fight for each other without hesitation and most importantly we've seen everyone no matter what the race calls to the One who created us - our God, our Almighty Father who lovingly cares for us.

Do you need safety and stability in your life right now? when you feel vulnerable to harm know there is a place to go and you will be rescued. seek out assistance from your local church and they will reach out a helping hand. Ask God for His hands of protection to surround you. Read God's word for wisdom and guidance, such as the book of proverbs. in this time of pandemic and uncertainty, one thing will remain certain that we are forever SAFE in God's presence. our Lord will provide strength and security. look to God for protection.
