• Travel and Leisure


ITALY, My Dream Travel Destination #DreamTravel

I’ve always dream to travel to Italy. In my mind, Italy represents romance, love, and passion. One of the ideal places to go and explore is the famous Vatican City at Rome, Italy where Roman Catholics see it as a holy and divine place. You can see all the amazing galleries, churches, coliseum, the square and gardens. I’ve dreamed of going there and admire the beautiful landscapes, food, and culture that Italy has to offer. I’m hoping that in the next couple of years, my dream of visiting Italy will finally come true!


  • Kyungg
    Sep 24, 2020 16:52
    Yay,one of mine too❤️
  • ItsMeRichelle
    Sep 23, 2020 18:16
    Truly is! ❤️
  • Eduard
    Sep 23, 2020 16:29
    City of love.