What makes me happy? That's the question I have been dreading to answer. Is it the music I always listen to? Is it the place I always go to? Or is it coming from my special someone? I can't really tell. I know this sounds strange but what makes me happy is the feeling of falling asleep. I mean who wouldn't right? You get to your bed after a long day. You get warm and cozy and drift to sleep then enter dreamland and that's where the real magic happens. You enter you're realm. The place where you are most safe. You get to see and be anywhere you want. That's my escape. I guess that's why I love sleeping so much because during this trying times we get that extra breather. That extra time for oursleves. Although waking up is the hardest part still. We come back strong, replenish and ready to start the day again. And that's what makes me happy! :)