• Good News


Every Person is a DIamond

Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great day,

Today, I want to talk about a lesson we had in our class. Click on the link below to check the article I am talking about! 


The story implied that one needs a trained eye to be able to distinguish the true value of a soul. The reason that this metaphor is used as the human soul and diamonds have similar processes in which they undergo to become who they are as a whole.

As stated in the article, “By using the analogy of a diamond to describe the value of each man, woman and child, the Rebbe is telling us that regardless of externals, every person is a true diamond, the toughest substance in existence. Everyone has a divine neshama, a pure soul, and regardless of behavior and outward appearance, every neshama remains intact. Unconquerable.” another is that “Only one soul can reach another”. What I got from this is that no matter what the hardships and achievements that we get in our life, the only way that our spirituality is touched is through soul connections–from our God, another human soul, and ourselves.

In the article, it is also stated that “Every diamond-soul has its own unique personality, its own chaine (the sum of the Hebrew letters (gematria) of chaine equals 58: the 58 facets of a “brilliant cut”)—its strengths (carats), clarity, color, and cut—and it must be treated in kind, befitting its personal individuality. Each stone needs to be cut precisely, with the greatest sensitivity, a most beautiful cut uniquely appropriate for this particular stone”. Each of us has our own unique traits as one soul isn’t the same as another. All of us undergo several processes to make up who or what our spirituality is. The Rebbe can be compared to God, who is the only person who can see what our true value is even when covered by mountains of rock. We undergo the hardships and processes which is necessary to build us up to create who we are meant to be.

In simpler terms, we are all valuable individuals. The things we go through mold us into who we are all meant to be. We are in a constant state of self-improvement.


  • ()
    Sep 01, 2020 05:49
    Keep it!
  • Alicia Mae Delarmente ()
    Aug 31, 2020 11:43
    keep shining💛
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