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Hanna Grana

Facts about Lullabies

Lullabies are usually the first melodies babies hear sung to quiet them and make the ready to sleep. Almost every language has its own word for lullaby: The Germans call it "Wiegenleid", the French" berceuse", the Swedish "Vaggvisa", the Spanish "nana", the Italina "ninananna".

Lullabies developed from wordless crooning or humming that was meant to soothes fretful infant. In fact, we still use some of those nonsense syllables such as "loo-loo" and "lala",  from which the English word "lullay" or "lullabye" comes.


  • Ron Cedric
    Jul 30, 2020 12:40
    Great info!! I don't even know some of it