• Good News

Dianne Cajes

Failing Grace

"I am a failure", that's what you think of me,
That I can not do it as what you expected me to do,
I am just a pain in you too.
I tired to made that criticism to be my motivation as much as I wanted to.
But I guess, I also failed in that too.

You kept bragging how successful they was in front of my face,
But you see me trying to reached the surface?
I know to myself that I am such a disgrace,
But please, could you spare me,
And let me feel for once that I am a precious grace?

I hope you see the sorrow plastered on my face,
The longing I carry from the first place,
Sorry for the pain I brought to your place,
But can you let me feel that I am grace?
Before I left this beautiful yet sad place?

Hey? here's another work of my bored mind. :) hope you guys love it :) 
this was written last February 28 , 2018. One of the darkest moment in my life. Where i decided to stop pursuing the degree they wanted for me. :) What do you think of my work? Should I keep posting my work here? let me know. Xoxo - YhannieIyat <3
