Filipino journalists Lyn Olavario and Ysabel Vitangcol have built solar-powered lamps for the Light it Forward challenge which is part of a solar movement that hopes to eradicate energy poverty in the Philippines. The challenge is Liter of Light’s newest campaign to provide eco-friendly and sustainable light sources to the poor. The Light it Forward challenge also aims to raise awareness for 20 million Filipinos still living in the dark in today’s modern age. Light it Forward’s solar lamps make a great difference to a home without light. Each solar lamp unit has the power to illuminate a Filipino home for twelve to sixteen hours a day, for the next five years. Anyone can Light it Forward by building solar-powered lamps for the poor. Individuals only need to lend about 20-30 minutes of their time for a solar unit’s assembly. Advocates need to film themselves building a solar light to inspire others to do the same. You also need to pass on the challenge to somebody else to keep the movement going and build more solar lamps for the needy. All lamps generated from the challenge go to those most in need. These two Filipino journalists have chosen to Light it Forward for communities still in the dark. Watch as they take on the challenge and build solar lights for distribution to remote villages all over the Philippines. Fraulein "Lyn" Olavario Fraulein “Lyn” Olavario ESPN5 reporter Lyn Olavario took on the Light it Forward challenge on August 6, 2020. She told viewers she was accepting the challenge from fellow news reporter Mav Gonzales. The news reporter told viewers what the challenge was all about. “The Light it Forward challenge is Liter of Light’s latest campaign where they’re challenging you to build a solar light para i-gift sa mga villagers na walang access sa electricity,” she explained. Olavario begins her solar light assembly and points out that the kit it came with had already been disinfected for users’ safety. Solar challengers need only to message Liter of Light to take part in the challenge. A solar light kit will be provided by the foundation. The Liter of Light Foundation is dedicated to providing sustainable and high-quality solar lamps to remote or impoverished areas in the Philippines. Assembled solar lights from the Light it Forward Challenge are donated to Filipino families living with limited or no access to electricity. Olavario stressed the importance of reaching out to others in need amid the pandemic. Through the challenge, anyone can become a solar champion for the poor. She advised future solar lamp builders to watch the tutorial posted on Liter of Light’s YouTube channel. Olavario lets netizens see the instruction manual for the solar light. She also tells viewers that the kit came conveniently coded with numbers for easy assembly. Lyn Olavario nominated fellow Philippine journalists for the challenge: MJ Marfori, Marga Vargas, Rizza Diaz, Bettina Magsaysay, Ceej Tantengco, and Maeanne Los Banos. Watch Lyn Olavario’s video here. Ysabel Vitangcol Journalist and blogger Ysabel Vitangcol brought out her inner solar engineer in the Light it Forward challenge. LIGHT IT FORWARD is a challenge to assemble components of solar lights by hand. In less than 30 minutes, you can light it forward for communities without access to electricity. To complete it, you also need to pass on the challenge to someone else in order to build more solar lamps to be donated to the poorest communities in the Philippines. The journalist championed Light it Forward’s solar lamp units, remarking that they could keep a home well-lit for twelve to sixteen hours a day, for the next five years. The eco-friendly solar lights are also made out of recycled materials and can even reduce carbon emissions by about 1,000 kg. Vitangcol encouraged people to take the time to help out others through the Light it Forward challenge. One solar lamp could make a great difference to a Filipino household without light. “It took me around 30 minutes to assemble everything! Challenging, but worth it! That short amount of time you spend in assembling this solar lamp will light up worlds of those who don’t have access to electricity,” she wrote. Vitangcol accepted the challenge on July 20. She responded to the Light it Forward challenge issued by famous celebrity mom Jackie Forster. Watch Ysabel Vitangcol’s video here. The Filipino journalists are the latest celebrity solar challengers for Light it Forward. You can watch more Filipino celebrities taking part in the Light it Forward Challenge here and here. The Light it Forward campaign to build solar lamps is led by the Liter of Light Foundation in partnership with Do you want to accept the Light it Forward Challenge? Message the Light it Forward team on Facebook and Instagram to find out how you can join the advocacy!