If it have been like the usual before this pandemic, I have already explored the school premises and give my feedback on different facilities and on our professors. But ofcourse, the reality of Corona virus pandemic had changed everything. Now my first day had became more anticipating. What does first day of college feels like?...thru an online class?or what does even online class feels like? I have decided to took an Engineering course during the enrollment at a certain State University. Mind you, I was determined and even so much excited as I took the entrance exam. Then quarantine came and I got all distracted that I forgot I had enrolled myself!I had enrolled in a school a city afar! How could I forgot and even hoped for an academic freeze? And yes. I was too late when I found myself loading my phone to be able to subscribe in a surfing promo and downloading necessary apps for the online class. There was even app crashing that I need to sacrifice some of my other applications and optimize my phone storage. I have no idea before how this online class could be this hassle. What does my first day feels like? My first day is on Monday. Scratch that, it's a full load monday. My sched starts from exactly 8 in the morning, 2 hour vacant for lunch then dismissal at 7 in the evening. It does feels like waking up early, an hour before 8 and getting yourself presentable while multi-tasking for your breakfast like how it supposed to be in schooling. Only that, after preparing in the morning, no journey going to school cause the "school" is already in front of you, in the screen of your phone. So yeah, I sat in front of my phone fidgeting, anticipating for the online meeting and imagining all the possible things. How this little technology could be my school? How can I interact with my prof and classmates? Will this work? Is my data enough for this meeting? Then viola. Our professor started the meeting. Someone is speaking on my little gadget. Such a wow, isn't it? Then there's my other classmates, talking with sense and with non sense. I'd just pretended that those whose talking non sense were just too excited testing their mic. The class goes on as professor discussed about our school, his class syllabus and the so called online etiquette that unfortunately, some of my classmates failed to comprehend---I think. It feels like being in a webinar. It's relieving that I can go off-cam and mute myself like I was just listening in a podcast. The funny things tho were the background noises: dogs barking, a mom scolding someone (maybe one of my classmate), sounds of different vehicles and some other interferences like someone was being kidnapped by an alien. Overall, first day for me was so epic,funny, and ofcourse draining due to our full schedule. Long gadget use strained my poor eyes too. Nevertheless, I have gained many insights from the discussion and the experience of this new normal was indeed remarkable. Not to mention how I constantly checked my data balance because of being over concious and worrying too much of running out of load. Our technology is great for making a way for us to learn and socialize online despite the pandemic that's locking us down in our houses. I hope the difficult situation would escalate soon but as long as we're still in it, I hope too that everyone could cope and continue to find way to make life easier and other things be possible. Let's continue progressing despite the virus that's holding us all back. #MyFirstDayInSchool #MyFirstDayInSchoolEntry