• Good News

Cristopher Rueda

Fly! Young boy, fly! (A Personal Essay)

Have you ever experienced standing in front of the mirror and contemplate on things about yourself? Like how you interact with people, handle different situations and deal with various things in your life? Or have you ever experienced standing there and take time to get a good hard look on yourself? Well, I was on that same situation too. 

To be honest, even until this very day, I’m still in the process of knowing myself. I want to look at myself as a person who’s genuine and unique because I believe God has wonderfully made us in our very own way. Yes, genuine and unique because no one can be a better Cristopher Rueda than Cristopher Rueda himself.

We’ve got our own distinct personality. That is what differentiates us from the others. I’m someone who’s not afraid to take risks especially if I find that thing worth the risk. I’m always after learning. I am always looking for wisdom and knowledge in everything I do. I find it satisfying if I acquire new things and lessons that would help me grow better. That’s why ever since I was young, I always do my best to be on the top. Not for the purpose of bragging, but because I enjoy facing and overcoming those kinds of challenges. It may sound exhausting being up on the challenge but actually I am having fun in everything that I find interesting. I’m the kind who will try something new if it means something good for me. That is shown through my hobbies and interests such as playing American football, basketball, mountain hiking and a lot more.

Even as a little boy, I was taught how to be an independent person. I learned how to believe in myself and never let myself down because no one’s going to accomplish what’s in front of me except me. I believe that I can. That truth has also led me to learn how to cope up with different people and handle different situations. Resilience would be the best term to point that one out. Nothing in this world is handed out to us that easily so we have to work for it. All the good things are worth every effort we’ve got. These things have I always kept in mind so that I will always appreciate things and be grateful for what I have. I grew up in a poor family and being on those shoes has molded me into the kind of person I am now.

As each day passes by, things will still change and I will keep on learning more about life. Every day we become more or less different from who we are yesterday. Who we are now will not define who we are going to be in the future. But the thing is this, we can always do something to improve ourselves and be a better version of us.

#Goals #AimHigher #BeYou
