"Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Souma" is now officially over. The popular anime has aired the finale of its fifth season, over a year after the manga ended. On Twitter, the anime show took its final bow with a parting gift: an illustration featuring the beloved characters together. "May the academy life of Soshin continue forever. Please enjoy the future plate of 'Shokugeki no Soma' that you envision," director Yoshitomo Yonetani said. "Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma" is based on the manga with the same name written by Yuto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. It follows Soma Yukihira as he follows his dream to become a chef, enrolling in an elite culinary school after his family's restaurant closes. It was serialized in Japan's Weekly Shonen Jump in November 2012, and ended in June 2019.