Fortune doesn't come to those who wait fortune comes to those who take action! Most of the time we are just waiting for the perfect time, for the perfect place and the perfect opportunity, always looking for a nice looking offer but the thing is, the greatest opportunity is not covered in golda and sugar-coated promises it is covered with pain, failure and misery, the things we fear the most in the path we don't want to take. The Marines have a saying that everybody wants to go to heaven but not everybody wants to die. Nothing is going to happen if we are not going try. You might say "I am just unluck" you are not unlucky and obviously you are not cursed you are just scared. Fear will always be there and it will prevent you from reaching goals, but fear is a good thing. Fear will always present an opportunity an opportunity for you to be better so stop running away from it, because no hero became a hero running from their fear they became a hero when they faced their fear. Don't be afraid to fail be afraid that you didn't try because behind every fear is a person you want to become.