• Personal Stories

Manuelito Anday


Today, I really enjoy my day off cause this is the first time my housemates ask me to join them in their dinner. I know its really too shallow, but I'm really happy cause finally, I feel, I am belong with their group. 

We eat korean barbeque, treat of one of them because its her birthday. I really enjoy their company . but sad to say, I forgot that I'm on a diet, haha, but it's okay the happiness i felt is much more important than my diet.

They ask me to treat them in starbucks, and it is fine with me cause this is also the first time that I will treat them after 2 years of living together. I hope this is not the last. Cause I really like their personality, but, it is not too late to know them more because this is just the start...


  • Anime Feels
    Oct 12, 2020 22:10
    Awww enjoy!!!