• Good News


This current situation that we are in right now is really a test of not only our physical but also our mental health. Each and everyone's life has really took a turn. A lot lost their jobs and were stuck at home. Students are left with online modules just so they could get passed through their academic journey. The extremes of ages were obliged to stay indoors and depend solely on their home runners. Life now is truly different from how it used to be. And none of us can truly predict when this thing goes down and decides to put our world back to its normal state. So what do we do now? 

Take care of ourselves in the best way that we can. Don't let anxiety kickin and take away the remaining sanity that we have. Instead of going through facebook, twitter, instagram, or other social media platforms ending up finding news about latest Co-Vid 19 caused deaths or further increase in number of cases that will further lenghten this quarantine period, make the most out of this "break". Go eat and satisfy your cravings but don't forget to look after your health. Life is short, make sure we pamper it with balanced desires and needs.

Our body needs some active movement too. May it be a simple means of walking, jogging, to the more extreme HIIT and cycling. It's never too late to start looking for exercise guides that will fit the capacity of your body. Make it a routine as so you won't have to pressure yourself to doing great on day one. Everything needs practice. You just have to decide when do you want to start. Do yourself a favor. Your body will thank you in the future. Good luck!


  • ()
    Sep 01, 2020 09:15
  • Rachelle Bien
    Aug 31, 2020 00:44
    Nice article buddy!
  • Rachelle Bien
    Aug 31, 2020 00:44
    Love this! ❤ Thanks for sharing! Anyway, if you're interested also to indoor plants and whatsover this is my article https://www.goodinfonet.com/goodnews/plantita-3