God’s Will + God’s Time + God’s Way = God’s Best 💕 To be honest, I don’t know how to start this article. I’m kind of speechless. I can’t find words beautiful enough to describe how I am feeling today. I’ve always prayed for God’s best, a love story He has written for me. My parents were strict when it comes to relationships and so I’ve had numerous secret ones. They all ended the same way — heartbreaking. As I grew older and more matured, I realized that my parents only want what’s best for me and that their wisdom were always from the Lord. I have also learned that God will not give me His best when I wasn’t also in my best state. Along the season of waiting, God slowly molded me into the woman He wants me to be. A woman ready for a serious and committed relationship. I know I still have a lot to improve on and I have dedicated my whole life for His purpose. Someone asked how I knew Paul is the one for me. 1. I set standards based on His standards. The first thing I considered was if I feel that he loves God more than he loves me. I also contemplated about if I could serve God with him while in a relationship and eventually when we get married. Yes, I’m already talking about marriage. Why? Because one should never enter a relationship if marriage is not the goal. 2. I considered the opinions of our loved ones. Before he officially started his “panliligaw”, he asked his family, my family, both of our Dgroup leaders, and some of our closest friends. I also did the same thing before I gave him my “yes”. 3. Love. I knew that I truly love him and that I’m willing to love him no matter what. I hope you guys can pray for us! May God be the center of this relationship. 🥰 Thank you for reading!