• Good News

Jayden Turalba


Did you know that in this trying times there is a hope? A hope that anyone can achieve! And a succes that anyone can reach. Yes i know we can't smile at this time. But we need to do it because God Created almost 300 plus promises and let us remember this BIBLE VERSE. Psalm chapter 46 verse 10. In that verse God said, "Be Still,Let Go and Let God. It is very clear that you just need to trust in him and to pray to him and you can just easilly let go of the past and Let God be our protector so it is very nice to hear that specially in this trying times. So always remember TO LET GO AND LET GOD


  • Kristine Mae Angeles
    Aug 11, 2020 17:00
    Thanks for inspiring! Promoting also my story entitled "Turn every weakness into greatness." We can also exchange views by viewing all my other stories and I'll do the same with you. Let's support each other!