• Good News


#GratitudeAttitude: 5 Inexpensive Ways to Express Gratitude

Times have been a bit more challenging because of everything that has been going on around us. I'm sure we all needed an "extra push" and an extra dose of encouragement from the people around us. To practice our #GratitudeAttitude, here are 5 ways inexpensive ways to say thank you to those who gave us the push we extremely needed. We'll never know, they might need that dose of appreciation too.

1. Cook their favorite meal.
- Who wouldn't love a meal cooked with a heart? One freshly cooked adobo, sprinkled with love please!

2. Offer a short prayer.
- You know how they say that He can hear us better when more people pray for a certain desire?

3. Send a short note/letter.
- We'll never know how much a simple thank you message will mean.

4. Share your favorite feel good song to someone that actually made you "feel good".
- Just like returning the favor, eh? :-)

5. Simply say "thank you".
- Oftentimes, we get so used to being well take care of and treated well that we fail to say these magic words. Don't forget to say thank you. Don't forget to acknowledge people's sacrifices.

Remember, a little act of expressing our thanks will go a long way. Practicing the #GratitudeAttitude will encourage people to continue doing what they do. <3

All the love,
