• Good News

Roy Aquino

(Green Foods) Good for your health

Green vegetables and fruits are often good for our stomach, intestines and help prevent cancer, such as colon cancer. Green vegetables also lower cholesterol and weight.
Vegetables such as cabbage, peachy, spinach, broccoli, spinach and horseradish are very important to the body. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, and other ingredients such as fiber, lute in, potassium, calcium, fol ate, calcium and vitamins A, B and C. As a result, vegetables can help with heart disease, diabetes. , abdominal pain and cancer prevention.
If you want to lose weight, eat lots of vegetables. It is easy to satiate and low in calories. To make vegetables more nutritious, you can add garlic, onion and tomato. Here are some examples:
1. Broccoli and Cauliflower - Broccoli and cauliflower vegetables are very nutritious. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, broccoli is richer in vitamin C than orange. Broccoli and a glass of milk have the same amount of calcium. Broccoli branches have 3 times the fiber compared to a piece of wheat bread. Broccoli contains the chemical sulfonamides which helps prevent breast cancer. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, 206 studies have shown that broccoli and cauliflower prevent cancer of the mouth, throat, breast, stomach, lungs, pancreas and intestines.
Broccoli contains folic acid which the baby needs in the womb. It also contains calcium which helps prevent osteoporosis. One cup of broccoli or cauliflower contains only 46 calories. If you want to lose weight, eat lots of vegetables to get full right away.
2. Avocado - Avocado is rich in nutritious "mono-unsaturated fats." This will help prevent heart disease and stroke. Avocado contains potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. It helps in smoothing the skin. And because avocado is easy to eat and digest, it is good to feed the sick and the elderly.
