• ACCIO: Brings an object to you • AGUAMENTI: Creates a gush of water from the tip of the spell caster’s wand • ALOHOMORA: Opens locks • APARECIUM: Makes invisible ink become visible • AVADA KEDAVRA: The Unforgivable Curse; Kills your opponent; taken from “Abra Cadabra” • AVIFORS: Turns things into birds • AVIS: Makes birds fly out of the end of your wand • BOMBARDA: Causes a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use “bombarda maxima” • COLLOPORTUS: Closes a door and binds it so that it can’t be opened. • CONFRINGO: AKA the Blasting Curse; Causes the item targeted to explode • CONFUNDUS: Confounds your target, or makes them temporarily confused • CONJUNCTIVITIS: Damages the eyesight of your opponent, making them seem to have pink eye • CRUCIO: The Second Unforgivable Curse, the Cruciatus Curse; Tortures your opponent mercilessly • DELETRIUS: Erases the last spell cast by a wand so that it can’t be discovered • DENSAUGEO: Makes teeth grow out of control • DIFFINDO: Makes seams split open, severs an object into two pieces • DISSENDIUM: Opens a specific passageway into a cellar, may be useful in other instances; may be only a password • DURO: Turns an item to stone. • ENERVATE: Mistaken spell. Changed to Rennervate. Used to wake up a stunned person • ENGORGIO: Makes an item larger, as in swollen • EPISKEY: Heals relatively minor wounds. • EVANESCO: Causes an item to immediately dissolve away, as if it had never existed • EXPECTO PATRONUM: Creates Patronus • EXPELLIARMUS: Disarms the target of the spell, such as knocking their wand out of their hand • FERA VERTO: Transforms animals into water goblets! • FERULA: Binds a broken limb with a splint and bandages, tightly wrapped • FIDELIUS: Allows a secret to be hidden within the secret keeper’s soul; very powerful spell • FINITE INCANTATEM: Stops any spell • FLAGRATE: Allows the user to write or draw in the air with fire • FLIPENDO: Also knows as the Knockback Jinx, pushes or flips something backwards • FURNUNCULUS: Causes a person to break out in boils • GEMINIO: Creates a duplicate of an item (a twin, as in the zodiacal sign Gemini). • HOMORPHUS: Man-Shape; makes a werewolf or person disguised as an animal resume their human shape • IMMOBULUS: Immobilizes the target • IMPEDIMENTA: Puts up an impediment that slows down something or someone that is coming toward you • IMPERIO: The third unforgivable curse. Allows the user to assume complete control of another person • IMPERVIUS: Repels water from a surface • INCARCEROUS: Conjures up ropes, which then bind an opponent • INCENDIO: Lights a fire • LEGILIMENS: Allows the user to gain access to another’s mind and memories • LEVICORPUS: Turns your opponent upside down and dangles them in thin air • LIBERACORPUS: “Liberates”, or frees a body that has been caught up by the levicorpus spell • LOCOMOTOR MORTIS: The Leg-Locker Curse; locks an opponent’s legs together • LUMOS: Creates light, usually by making the tip of the wand glow. More light can be created using “lumos maxima” • MOBILIARBUS: Used to move a tree from one place to another Mobilicorpus Used to move a body from one place to another • MORSMORDRE: or Morsmorde Used to summon the Dark Mark • MUFFLIATO: Causes a buzzing noise to surround a limited area so that those in the area can carry on a private conversation • NOX: Extinguishes light, used to douse the light created by “Lumos” • OBLIVIATE: Makes a person “oblivious”, erasing their memories of an event • ORCHIDEOUS: Conjures a bunch of flowers from the user’s wand • PETRIFICUS TOTALUS: Total petrification; petrifies an opponent totally • POINT ME: The Four Point Spell; makes the user’s wand act like a compass • PORTUS: Turns any item into a Portkey, which can then be used to transport a person or persons to another location. • PRIOR INCANTATO: Reveals to you the last spell that a wand was used to cast • PROTEGO: Protects the user, and sends a spell back on an opponent • QUIETUS: Makes things quiet, used to muffle “Sonorus” • REDUCIO: Shrinks an item • REDUCTO: Blasts solid objects into pieces • RELASHIO: Releases something from being constrained or held • RENNERVATE: Was originally “ennervate”, but corrected by author; means to energize or wake up • REPARO: Repairs broken items • REPELLO: Repels something • REPELLO MUGGLETUM: Makes an area invisible to Muggles • REVELIO: Causes something that is hidden to be revealed • RICTUSEMPRA: Causes a person to curl up in laughter, as if being tickled • RIDDIKULUS: Makes a boggart assume a “ridiculous” form, thereby making it funny instead of terrifying • SALVIO HEXIA: Unclear; seems to strengthen other protective spells, or to deflect any hexes cast toward a specific location • SCOURGIFY: Used to clean dirt or other material off of a surface • SECTUMSEMPRA: Causes lacerations to appear all over an opponent’s body, as if they had been cut by an invisible sword • SERPENSORTIA: Conjures a snake • SILENCIO: Makes the target of the spell unable to make any sound. • SONORUS: Amplifies the user’s voice • STUPEFY: Stupefies an opponent, or knocks them insensible temporarily • TARANTALLEGRA: Forces an opponent’s legs to dance uncontrollably • TERGEO: Scours something clean • WADDIWASI: Removes a stuck object, as in a wad of gum that is stuck in a keyhole • WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA: Allows the user to make an object levitate; the first spell taught in the Harry Potter movies