• Good News

Warell De Jesus

Have you wasted a lot of time??

Success is defined by many on how much money and possessions you have. That is why we go to school for us to have a great paying job. People around us expect us to be "successful" that is why we are pressured to become one in an instant, but they are wrong! Our generation is fast-paced which made us forget to be happy and have a purpose. So take it easy because you are doing your best. It is okay to waste some time. John Lennon once said, "Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted".


  • ()
    Sep 01, 2020 05:50
  • Alicia Mae Delarmente ()
    Aug 31, 2020 11:38
  • Rachelle Bien
    Aug 31, 2020 00:06
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