• Good News

Hey you drop this ?


As the lockdown start many tried working out or whatever to have their body goals .BUT many of us are working out not to have a body but to cure their insecurities but Ghorl ??? Nah u shouldn’t be insecure with anyone cause you are unique in so many ways. Let me tell yah this i am fat since when i was a child i admit there are also part of my past when i got insecure but then i realize why?? Should i be insecure when God made us differently cause if you imagine what if we are all the same in face,body and anything its weird right? I always kept in my mind that i have this body for a reason and we should love our flaws cause it is part of who we are .
If others can’t accept that then they are not human -_- . I am not saying that do not work out or be healthy i only mean that when we want to achieve something in life do it for you self not for others. I start working out alsobut my goal wasn’t to be better like her and blah blah my goal is to make my boy healthy and strong .when you start achieving your goal little by little the feeling of it is really good .
 I hope i cheered you up and self care guys lovelots Goodmorning ;>.
