In this pandemic, we can only get our essential needs. No going to the park, No Mass gatherings. We only must follow strict health protocols as staying in our own or "quarantine". This Pandemic made me realize the value of our lungs and our health in general. Being a Smoker I have taken my lungs for granted. Seeing People Struggling because of COVID-19 made me realize that I should stop the evil habit of inhaling dangerous smoke from tobacco. As I not being able to buy the sweet pack of cigarettes that I always inhale. I decided to try to stop smoking. I haven't been smoking since March and I feel healthier already. I noticed that I can taste and smell clearly. I feel more energy. So if you are reading this and is still smoking in this pandemic, make sure you take a look at not just yourself but the people struggling to breathe because of the virus. Have a healthy lifestyle as long as you can still do it.