A good compliment to me is being natural, truthful and shows me simply how I have made a positive impact in the life of an individual. You might compliment someone, but you have remembered that they don't usually do, but that. The compliments constitute a verbal affirmation of each other's affection. Through them, within our society and as individuals, we give value and defination. When you want to loudly compliment or take advantage of someone else, then it will take place, and the individual will certainly sense it and the compliment's going to fire back. You will lose a lot of reputation and trust by doing so. The foundation will remain a mumble and will collapse over time, even though it works in the short term. In a similar way, take a look at what a person is doing to make an effort that appears to go unnoticed or something that someone is doing well. How to show compliments: • Words least planned Say something that the other person least expects to hear, the least expected word would make someone feel comfortable, and note that the least expected word is only good things are considered as a compliment. For instance, you know the other person is really kind and lovely, so rather than just telling him/her the compliment, that least-anticipated complement is what will make the other person feel great and happy. • Note the good change Instead of being unaware of any positive changes in another person, just speak. For instance, if you see your friend's hair has strengthened and you see an impressive transformation, don't just overlook it, instead compliment her. Make them feel valued and special when you notice them. • Compliment them with their achievement Try to compliment the other person on the achievements they have done, don't always compliment someone about the things that they born and compliment them on their own accomplishments. For instance, the compliments can give you a feeling, yes, they will, and yes, real people in this world are dear to their work, and they are definitely going to get this sort of compliment, rather than complimenting them for their work and for their blessing, telling them how hard they are to do, and saying that their hard work is the cause for their accomplishment. • Be honest and truthful Most people think it doesn't matter whether or not it's real, it is better that you compliment someone with honesty and truthfulness if you want to give him a feeling of happiness. Because a heartfelt compliment will touch the heart of everyone, and a true compliment will be reflected in your eyes. • Flirting vs complimenting Understand that there is an enormous difference between flirting and compliments, and you can clearly see whether you flirt or compliment, if you flirt typically have no real word, if you claim they look proficient, when compliments are usually sincere and compliments are made when the other person genuinely needs to feel good and flirting usually looks poor. • Have an eye to eye connection Always keep an eye-to-eye connection when complimenting someone or your relatives, because looking directly at the opposite person in their eyes will make them believe they are true to your words and that is sure to carry your relationship confidence with them. • Specify your compliment The more precise your compliment will be, the more effect will be on your compliments, for example, if you don't tell me that your outfit is very right for him, and don't just stop there, endorse your compliment, and when you back up your compliment, it will get better, and do not over-emphasize your compliments, keep your compliments short and keep them in check. Your special compliments for your back-up offer the other person the impression that, yes, they are special and valuable to you. • Compliment publicly Often compliment someone publicly, some people typically do an immense error by complimenting people individually and offering public comments, some do the worst thing by publicly criticizing someone, and at first we should never criticize anyone in public and this should be a major no. • All three should be your compliment Complimenting involves showing our appreciation, affection and respect for the other person makes a compliment real if the words incorporate all three admiration, affection and reverence. • Don't evaluate or compare compliment In complimenting, for example, many people nowadays tell you look like this actress, you body sound like the actor, you shouldn't avoid such compliments, you should compliment a person for his individuality and his identity, you must never compare or respect anyone else, you should never compliment them with a comparison. "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia If you compliment someone on something you know he should do well, try to keep your compliments focused on something which is not purely superficial.