• Good News

Not Your Girl

How self-love leads to all the good things in life

I admit I'm the type of person who would look at the mirror, stare at my face for a long time and notice each and every part of my imperfections. If you're just like me, then congrats, you clicked the right article :)

I have this bad attitude of noticing all of my imperfections and provoking myself, I belittle myself, compare myself to others and always think that these imperfections will be the proof that I will never be loved by someone I love. I always look for the beauty of other people. Literally, I would always find beauty in every person I saw or knew. I would always think that their imperfections are so perfect that made them more unique and beautiful. Something I never did to myself. 

Until one day, I discovered that everything I see on my mirror was not what other people see me. I installed an app in which I would see the unreflected look of mine and get really really insecure. I want to hide and never meet people again. I hate my eyes, I hate my nose, I hate how asymmetrical my face is- I hate myself. I know to myself that everything I felt about me was wrong literally wrong. I then go to youtube and watch videos about self love about the true mirror and this is what I've realized: 

 I hated what I see on the true mirror because I was shook of what I see. The person I saw was new to me because I'm used to know that what I see in the normal mirror was what I really look like. It was new to me so what I did is I would always look at my unreflected face on my app each and every day. I would look at her and appreciate evey inch of her and call them imperfectly perfect. What I did is to tell myself I'm beautiful I really am then smile. I would take a selfie everyday and use an app to mirror it so I would see what do I really look like and call them pretty. But then I realized why would I always have to look at these unreflected photos of mine? I begin to realized that it is because I always care of what other people say, think, look about me. I realized that when you start to stop caring about what other people thinks about you, that's where self love begins. 

I learned to let go. I learned to stop comparing myself to beautiful women that I saw on my social media or the people around me. I learned to stop saying 'I wish I was like her'. Instead, I begin to say 'No one is like me in this world, I'm the only me you can never find another me in this world' and knowing that fact, I think that was beautiful being the only you in this entire universe. I began to love my uneven eyes, my big nose, my thick body everything that I hated the most became the parts I truly admire. When I began to love myself more, I became happier and healthier. I realized my worth. I realized that I don't care if the person I like doesn't like me back as long as I like myself, I love myself. Self-love is important. It leads you to a meaningful life. When you love yourself,it leads you to the good things in the world. You start to take step towards fulfillment in life. You becomes courageous, bold and strong. You becomes you- what God wants you to :)

I hope you know you're beautiful and worthy. Love yourself more my dear and I promise you, you'll see all the good things in life ^_^ sending you warm hugs!


  • Red Albante
    Sep 13, 2020 15:28
    Good Article, Keep Posting Clarisse ! šŸ‘šŸ» Follow me on Instagram at: Redalbante
    Sep 13, 2020 10:44
  • Mr. Everything News
    Sep 13, 2020 04:10