• Good News

Pauline Arucan

How to Easily Win $10? #MyMotivation

At Good Info Net, we always want to see inspiring and motivational stories to uplift everyone on the platform!

Join the #MyMotivation challenge and get a chance to win $10!

How to join?
1. Post a photo with a description or caption of what or who motivates you in life!
2. Make sure to put the hashtag #MyMotivation on your Post Title in order to join.

The most heartfelt & inspiring post will get a chance to win $10 on July 20, 2020!

The criteria for judging will be based on the following factors:
- Quality of the content as judged by Good Info Net Admins
- High Fives Received
- Comments Received
- Unique Pageviews Received

If one of the winning posts reaches 200 unique page views, you will also get earnings on top of the $10 prize!

The winner will be announced on July 20, 2020 (Monday). He/She will receive an email from marketing@goodinfonet.com on further steps to receive the prize.

The program is still on the beta phase so we may encounter hiccups along the way.

Thank you so much for your overwhelming support!

Happy Inspiring!
